We chose this area for its accessibility. It is easy to get here by plane or by car.
La Rochelle (1 hr 9) 86 km
Bordeaux (1hr52) 174km
Poitiers (1hr24) 88 km
Limoges (1hr59) 132 km
Nantes (2hrs14) 232km
The property is within easy reach of ferry ports also. We are only four hours from the nearest ferry port and only one hour from the nearest airport. We are only 20 minutes from the autoroute (toll road) A10 in Saint Jean d’Angely.
Saint Malo- 4hrs20 417 km
Cherbourg- 5hrs43 578 km
Caen- 4hrs51 500 km
Dieppe- 5hrs59 601km
Calais- 7hr22 759km For tunnel or ferry